導演: 廖憶玲 Maggie Liao 朱柏穎 Po-ying Chu
台灣 Taiwan | 2010 | HD | Color | 60min.
高雄縣立文山高中有一群布農族少女,她們每天揮汗如雨苦練舉重,承載著 重量克服自己的恐懼,成為國內外舉重的常勝軍。但她們的試煉不單單只是每天反覆單調的練習,還扛著濃厚的鄉愁與愛情的嚮往,而當她們舉起全臺灣的榮耀,也 獨自面對著生活的艱辛。本片不單側寫她們邁向榮耀的過程,也深度觸及南部原住民的種種真實面向。
These three Bunun girls rarely lose in weight-lifting competitions,
international or domestic. One of them comes from a single-parented family. One
of them was raised by her grandparents. The last one’s parents have both died.
These girls are weight-lifting heroines, but the test that leads them to
adulthood is not lifting the heaviest weight. It is facing and overcoming the
challenges life throws at them.
10/23 影圖 15:40 ★影人出席映後座談