
5 Hours with Raja_01.JPG

導演: 安娜麥克凱瑟 Anna McKesser

紐西蘭 New Zealand | 2010 | HD | Color | 53min.

2010 紐西蘭紀錄片先鋒影展競賽影片
2010 紐西蘭紀錄片先鋒影展新銳導演大獎

倘若產檢告知胎兒已有的致命缺陷, 那準父母應該如何作出抉擇?是選擇人工流產,讓他沒有痛苦的離世?還是選擇生下他,讓家族得到一個洗滌生命的機會?影片陪伴著父母決定誕下無腦兒的痛苦、 掙扎及不捨,還有那些伴隨著出生喜悅的淨化情緒。死亡與生命竟是同時並肩而行,300分鐘短短的生命,卻令「愛」、「尊重」、「死亡」等詞彙似乎都獲得了 重新理解的機會。

5 Hours is an exceptional and moving documentary which follows a young mother carrying her baby to term, despite the diagnosis of anencephaly, a birth defect in which the baby would be born without a major portion of its head and therefore could not survive. At face a story about death, 5 Hours is ultimately a story about love and the affirmation of life.




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