卡特葛恩 Carter Gunn 羅斯麥克唐納 Ross McDonnell
愛爾蘭 Ireland | 2009 | Digibeta | Color | 88min.
2010 愛爾蘭電影電視獎 最佳紀錄片提名
2009 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展 最佳首映
2009 多倫多影展
Two young brothers, Lance and Victor Seppi,
are getting into beekeeping when most are getting out. The unexplainable
phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder has left landscapes of
empty beehives all across America, threatening not only the beekeeping
industry but our food supply. As scientists and beekeepers search for
the cause, Colony captures the struggle within the beekeeping community
to save the honeybee and themselves.