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導演: 卡特葛恩 Carter Gunn 羅斯麥克唐納 Ross McDonnell

愛爾蘭 Ireland | 2009 | Digibeta | Color | 88min.

2010 愛爾蘭電影電視獎 最佳紀錄片提名
2009 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片影展 最佳首映
2009 多倫多影展

美國加州有戶養蜂人家,和樂融融,他們將畢生積蓄投入養蜂事業,自給自足。就在兩兄弟興沖沖地準備繼承家業時,上天突然開了他們一個大玩笑:蜜峰不見了!面 對無法解釋的現象,罪魁禍首究竟是自然因素?亦或人為?猶如凱文史密斯《瘋狂店員》會出現的衰爆兩兄弟,面對前所未有的蜜蜂神秘失蹤事件,他倆應該如何拯 救這場沒有嗡嗡嗡的大浩劫呢?

Two young brothers, Lance and Victor Seppi, are getting into beekeeping when most are getting out. The unexplainable phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder has left landscapes of empty beehives all across America, threatening not only the beekeeping industry but our food supply. As scientists and beekeepers search for the cause, Colony captures the struggle within the beekeeping community to save the honeybee and themselves.

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    2010高雄電影節官方部落格-愛慾星球Love Eros

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