
Only Meal Poster.jpg

導演: 郭尚興 Shang-sing Guo

台灣/泰國 Taiwan/Thailand | 2010 | DVD | Color | 8min.

2010 曼谷亞洲影片展

在東南亞偏僻小鎮的 麵攤來了一對異鄉遊客,他們點了兩碗麵卻想用信用卡付賬。正當他們爭執不休的時候,當地的婦人乞丐帶著兒子到他們面前行乞,他們又暗自質疑這對母子應當是 專門騙錢的職業集團。一碗熱呼呼的麵滋味依舊,簡單的味道帶來溫暖的感受,但在全球經濟體系下的經濟流動,富者恆富,貧者恆貧,這碗麵的滋味可不輕鬆。

Two tourists come to a vendor’s stall in a remote town in Southeast Asia and order two bowls of noodles, but they insist on paying with a credit card. As they argue with the vendor, a beggar who is likely a fraudster shows up and makes the situation even more complicated. Director Guo is a winner of the Tisch School of the Arts scholarship.


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