張再興 Zai-sing Jhang
台灣 Taiwan | 2010 | DigiBeta | Color | 45min.
一位年輕黑道浪子的真誠自剖,一段獻給摯愛的深沉告白。導演於中學時代 曾加入暴力討債集團,隨後因非法攜帶槍械和傷害罪入監服刑半年。回顧刺青滿身的過去,他不再逃避,選擇拿起攝影機完成對自我的救贖,也因此對命運有了全新 的省悟。本片是自編自導自演的自傳體形式,簡單質樸,生猛有力,已具商業映演之雛型,動容程度更勝同類型電影《艋舺》。
This is the honest self-analysis of a young gangster, a proclamation to the
love of his life. Looking back on the tattoos that cover most of his skin and
their histories, the director, who used to serve six months in jail for
possession of firearms and violence, decides to stop evading. He picks up his
camera and starts his own redemption.
10/30 電影圖書館 14:20 ★影人映後座談