導演: 巴瑞賈金斯 Barry Jenkins
美國 USA | 2009 | HD | Color/B&W | 88min.
2009 美國獨立精神獎 最佳攝影、最佳首部影片、最佳新銳提名
2009 舊金山影評人協會獎 瑞格斯獎
2010 有色人種促進協會形象獎 最佳獨立電影獎提名
Micah and Jo never got each other's
names. After a drunken encounter brings them together, these hesitant
lovers discover that their own passions and differences make them an
indelible part of the city they call home. Medicine for Melancholy deals
with issues of class, identity, and the evolving conundrum of being a
minority in rapidly gentrifying San Francisco--a city with the smallest
proportional black population of any other major American metropolis.