導演: 凱爾派區阿瓦瑞茲 Kyle Patrick Alvarez
美國 USA | 2009 | HD | Color | 100min.
2010 美國獨立精神獎 最佳新銳導演獎
2009 愛丁堡國際電影節 最佳外語新銳獎
2009 拉斯維加斯國際電影節 評審團大獎
In an effort to promote his unpublished novel, Davy Mitchell sets out on a road trip with his younger brother. However, the idealism of being on the road wears off and it quickly proves to be a lonely and unfulfilling experience for Davy. One night in a motel room he gets a random phone call from a mysterious woman named Nicole. They start a funny and intimate long distance relationship...