導演: 西恩貝克 Sean Baker
美國 USA | 2009 | HD | Color | 100min.
2009 美國獨立精神獎 卡薩維蒂獎提名
2008 瑞士盧卡諾電影節 評審團特別獎
2008 洛杉磯電影節 最佳劇情片
Prince of Broadway is the story of Lucky, a charismatic
hustler eking out a living in the underbelly of New York's wholesale
fashion district. An illegal immigrant from Ghana, Lucky makes ends meet
by soliciting shoppers on the street with knock-off brand merchandise.
Life is good for Lucky, but his dreams are suddenly upended when a child
is thrust into his world by a woman who insists the toddler is his son.
10/29 電影圖書館 17:30 ★影人映後座談
10/31 電影圖書館 17:50 ★影人映後座談