安瑞莫拉歐利 Andrea Molaioli
義大利 Italy | 2007 | 35mm| Color | 95min.
2008 義大利金像獎 最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳男主角等六項大獎
2008 義大利金球獎 最佳編劇、最佳首部影片
2007 威尼斯影展 影評人週首部影片獎、Pasinetti獎最佳男主角
North of Italy,nowadays. The corpse of a young girl is found beside an alpine lake. Sanzio, amiddle aged police officer, is in charge of investigation. He is nearby the endof his career, and has a heavy ill wife, not able to recognize him. In theapparently quite town, Sanzio, pursued by his family troubles, will find aproblematic truth. Probably he finds more than he could expect.
【湖邊安娜謀殺案 The Girl by the Lake】電影預告