

導演: 桑瑪洛芙 Summer Love 珍米契納Jane Michener

加拿大/美國 Canada/USA | 2010 | Blu-ray | Color | 76min.

2010 洛杉磯電影獎 榮譽推薦
2010 烏茲塔克電影節
2010 英國雨舞影展

時至21世紀,全球化的世界,911事件後人心動盪不安的美國,搖滾樂能否成為強而有力的發聲工具?有一群人義無反顧地起而行,相信握在手上的麥克風,可以將他們的信念傳到你我心中。影片找來Anti-Flag、Rage Against the Machine、Michael Franti、Paris、Fat Mike等人,除了表演片段也侃侃而談,身為獨立音樂人,在龐大的國家機器,社會主流價值之下,我們可以用搖滾鬧出怎樣的革命?

This film is the journey of Michael Franti, Fat Mike, Paris, and Anti-Flag who started their careers when corporate consolidation in the music industry began to make it virtually impossible for political artists to be heard in the mainstream. But these four artists became pioneers, setting an example for many to follow as they were forced to invent new and unique ways to sidestep and breakthrough every attempt to censor them.

Anti-Flag Promo.jpg  


Sounds Like a Revolution - HD Trailer from Deltatime Productions on Vimeo.


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