

導演: 王孔澂 Dinos Wang

台灣 Taiwan | 2010 | DVD | Color | 32min.

懷抱著電影夢的年輕人如願進入電影學系就讀,但家人始終搞不清楚他究竟在忙些什麼。這天他突然接到姑姑的電話,要人在臺北的他帶父親去看牙醫。但自從父母 離異後,他始終不知道如何與父親相處,但就在這個午後,他開始懂得體諒大人們心中隱隱的傷痛。《九降風》小生張捷再次獨挑大樑,連高雄電影節主席鄭文堂也 犯戲癮,客串演出一場戲中戲!

Ever since his parents had separated, he hasn’t been able to get along with his father. One afternoon, he is asked to take his father to the dentist, and the incidents he experiences in this afternoon lead him to learning about the scars and grief that adult people hide at the bottom of their hearts and he start to understanding them.


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