
導演: 帕瓦特帕囊克席理 Phawat Phanungkasiri

泰國 Thailand | 2008 | 35mm | Color | 94min.

2008 多倫多電影節
三名劫匪為躲避警察追捕而將搶來的贓款埋在一所寺廟底下,當他們重返佛寺卻發現埋藏地點蓋起一棟新佛堂,三人遂逼迫寺裡老僧為他們剃度,藉以偽裝行腳僧侶暫居寺裡避風頭,再伺機找出地底下的錢財,不料人性的貪婪導致了即便佛祖顯靈也難以阻擋的悲劇……。一部挑戰佛教信仰的驚世駭俗之作,曾在泰國遭到禁演,長相神似明道的泰國帥哥Pitisak Yaowananon在片中展現傑出演技。

Three criminals disguise themselves as Buddhist monks in order to recover a treasure buried underneath a temple. The film that serves as the “mirror of truths,” will take the audience into the dark side hidden in the deepest part of human’s mind. It tests whether a human’s mind is truly unfathomable and incomprehensible, when desires and faith are reflections of people’s virtues and the truths in the society.





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【罪孽成佛In the Shadow of the Naga】電影預告


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