尼堤瓦特‧泰拉托恩Nithiwat Tharatorn
★ 導演講堂:10/24(日) 16:10@夢時代喜滿客11廳 with 鄭秉泓 (知名影評人)
免費自由入場,講堂結束後,現場將會發放限量100份Bio Essence提供精華嚐鮮瓶1瓶,歡迎參與。
Nithiwat Tharatorn began his film study at the Faculty of Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University in 1993. After the success of ‘My Girl’, the first feature film that he co-directed with his five close college friends, Nithiwat has his solo directorial debut ‘Seasons Change’ in 2006 which becomes the most successful romantic/teenage film in the year. ‘Dear Galileo’ is his second feature length film which deals friendship and love as usual.
親愛的伽利略 Dear Galileo
泰國 Thailand | 2009 |35mm| Color | 129min.
2010 義大利Udine遠東電影節
Two girls plan to backpack to Europe for a year. They took off for reasons totally understandable for most teenagers, but unfathomable to adults. Before they took this trip, they swore: #1. No matter what happens, not to leave each other. #2. To never break rule #1 However, as we all know never say “never” when it comes to life being that you will “never” know what might happen.
戀愛季節 Seasons Change
泰國 Thailand | 2006 | 35mm | Color | 118min.
2007 曼谷影展
2006 泰國年度十大賣座影片
Pom’s season of love began one sunny morning after high school final exams. Pom is an ordinary boy of average height, who goes to a normal school and lives a typical life, except when it comes to his love for Rock N’ Roll and his extraordinary drum major skills. One girl will help him find his real place in this new world, their life and dream have a new journey…
小情人 My Girl
Vitcha Gojiew 威特查郭久
Songyos Sugmakanan 松祐司素瑪克阿南
Witthaya Thongyooyong 威特雅通友勇
Adisorn Trisirikasem 阿迪索帝席理卡森
Komgrit Triwimol 孔格利特帝威孟
Nithiwat Tharathorn 尼堤瓦特泰拉托恩
泰國 Thailand | 2003 | DVD | Color | 110min.
2004上海國際電影節 亞洲新人獎最佳導演
2003 泰國國家電影協會獎 最佳導演、男配角獎
Jaeb and Noh Nah are childhood friends whose fathers own competing barbershops. As Jaeb grows older he starts to hang out with a group of boys who pressure him into picking on and beating up Noh Nah because she is a girl. After years go by, Jaeb's memories are rekindled when he receives a wedding invitation from Noh Nah, which he accepts.